Reader offers 'Natural Law' quiz
The American Founding Fathers understood the thinking of Marcus Tellius Cicero with respect to "Natural Law." Natural Law is that which the Supreme Creator established. Natual Law has the fundamental presupposition that man has a mind capable of using a rational approach to solving problems, and that reasoning of the mind will generally lead to common-sense conclusions. Thomas Jefferson made reference to the thinking of Cicero when he wrote the words, "the laws of Nature and Nature's God" in the Declaration of Independence.
Each of the following is a yes or no answer.
1) Do you believe that all people have unalienable rights by virtue of their birth? Note: "unalienable rights" means those which cannot be legally taken away except if the person forfeits their rights by commission of a felony crime.
2) Do you believe that the "Right to Life" is an unalienable right?
3) Do you believe that the "Right to Liberty" is an unalienable right?
4) Do you believe that the "Right to Property" is an unalienable right?
5) Do you believe that the "Right to Happenstance" is an unalienable right? That is, the right to use and profit from that which you discover by chance, accident, or by effort.
6) Do you believe that "unalienable rights" have been granted to mankind by our Creator?
7) Do you believe that "unalienable rights" are granted by the government?
8) Do you believe that any right, including "unalienable rights," created by a government can be modified or abolished by the government?
9) Do you believe that the Federal Government has an obligation to protect the citizens and States against invasion?
10) Do you believe that the Federal Government could totally eliminate the current national debt by a simple declaration that the "Federal debt does not exist"?
Thomas Fancher
Moses Lake