Thursday, May 02, 2024

Reader appreciates his teacher

| September 26, 2012 6:00 AM

Royal Middle School seventh grade student Jorge Medina, 12, has entered his favorite teacher in the Barnes & Noble favorite teacher competition. He offered his essay, which is quite well done, to our readers. It follows:

My name is Jorge Medina, and I am entering my language arts teacher Shaina Davies. To be honest, it is very hard to explain in words how great of a teacher she is.

Some kids might think that school is boring, which means that they have not had Mrs. Davies as a teacher. She makes learning fun, and always speaks with expression.

We have learned so much since she started teaching Language Arts. Last year she taught Exploratory, where we learned about all kinds of different countries, such as Sri Lanka, which is an island off the coast of India in the Indian Ocean.

During class we learn about things such as summarizing, inferences, questioning and many more things. Unlike other teachers Mrs. Davies brings examples from home, which helps a lot.

For example we are writing a personal narrative, and she brought some hats from home, like a police hat, a guard's hat, and a firefighter's hat. Mrs. Davies had some students pick a hat and find something that had to do with that hat. We had fun with that activity, and our class learned about personal narratives.

This essay may not be very long, but I have poured my heart into this, and my teacher really is everything I said and lots more. She is the kind of teacher that makes me look forward to school.

She is an amazing teacher.

Jorge Medina

Royal City