Sunday, May 05, 2024

Reader airs frustrations with Romney

| October 5, 2012 6:00 AM

I am increasingly frustrated with Mitt Romney, who has stated before "I am rich and don't apologize for it". Well Mitt, I don't want you to, but what I do ask is that you acknowledge that you wouldn't have made it in America, without the American people. You were fortunate enough to be born in a country where upward mobility is possible, just ask Barack Obama. You need to stand up and admit that it is not fair to ask the middle class to be saddled anymore with an unfair amount of taxes. I want Mitt to admit that in our great country, we all should pay our fair share. That, my friends, is called patriotism, a word that the Teapublicans love to throw around, as long as it doesn't cost their loved and adored rich folk any money. Yeah, it's quite the patriotic thing to do, hiding money in offshore accounts, to skirt the IRS and not pay your fair share. Yeah, you really represent my interests. Mitt for President is not going to happen...Thank God.

Brian Reese

Moses Lake