Sunday, May 05, 2024

Reader questions administration's policies

| November 2, 2012 6:00 AM

America's current population approximately 315 million people. National debt in excess of $16 trillion. Over $50,000 for every adult and child in the

entire country! That debt was used to buy votes, without regard to the debt placed on our children, and future generations. But wait, it gets better!

The current administration did nothing to protect our ambassador to Libya, or others, during the seven-hour attack. The military and CIA should have been on alert, fully prepared to respond to any attack on our embassies on September 11. Probably more than just a drone sending real-time pictures to the White House was overhead! Any person, including the current White House occupant, who thinks the war can be ended by declaring the "war is won," lacks the mental capability to understand those who would attack our country determine whether the war is over.

This attack countered the current administration's agenda. This war has not ended. We cannot ignore that fact! Our country should help other countries form Constitutional Republics dedicated to peace.

Congress has failed in performing duties required by our Constitution. No budget for three years was bad enough, but the failure "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin," is part of the reason gasoline prices are

a major part of the economy's problems. The Federal Reserve, by "quantitative easing" has degraded the dollar's value on the world market.

Let us not forget the 23 million people unemployed or under-employed. People who have had their lives turned upside down, may have lost their homes, insurances, and retirement savings.

"In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." - Thomas Jefferson

Let us pray for our nation, especially Hurricane Sandy's victims.

Thomas Fancher

Moses Lake