Thursday, May 02, 2024

Declining aquifers

| June 29, 2012 6:00 AM

GWMA volunteer asks for support

I'm writing to bring an important issue before the public - our declining ground water resources in the Columbia Basin. As the saying goes, "Whiskey's for drinking, water's for fighting." This dilemma threatens to make this old western water saying a reality.

The problem is our deep ground water sources (Grand Ronde and Wanapum aquifers) are from the ice ages thousands of years ago. Because there is no significant recharge to these deep aquifers, they will continue to decline every year. We will need to determine a future sustainable water supply.

Recently there have been some news articles describing the findings of the Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area (GWMA) and their efforts to educate and inform the public about the nature of the problem and what we can do about it.

I've been a volunteer with the GWMA since it began 15 years ago, and currently serve on its executive board. I have participated in the development of the group's remarkable ground water research and encourage people to check it out on their website: The data base and computer model are an important achievement for our area and are essential tools for future water resource management and decisions.

The GWMA's been funded in the past by state and federal earmarks. That's not available anymore, and the counties are seeking citizen input on whether or not to fund the GWMA for ten years through a ballot measure. I think it's a good idea and the time is right. We can't afford to kick this can down the road anymore. The water fights are coming, and people need to understand what is at stake. Please let your county commissioners know that you support the GWMA.

Roger Bailie,
