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New Crescent Bar business inspired by Food Channel

by Ted Escobar<Br> Chronicle Editor
| June 17, 2012 6:05 AM


Crescent Bar BQ proprietor Ardith Holmes works on the dressing for her cole slaw at her mobile eatery on Crescent Bar Island

CRESCENT BAR – If you happen to walk into Ardith Holmes's home while she's watching television, she'll likely be tuned into the Food Channel, her favorite of all TV fare.

“I'm always watching it,” she said recently.

It was while watching the Food Channel's Eat Street (about mobile eateries across the U.S.) that Holmes got the inspiration to open Crescent Bar Island's newest business. Crescent Bar BQ is a mobile eatery stationed across the street from the Crescent Bar Condos. It's the type you would find at a county fair midway.

Another reason Holmes decided on her new venture is that she enjoys cooking. No matter what else the retired horse woman has done, she's never been far from a kitchen.

“We made a big barbecue every year for our annual sale,” she said. “We're always cooking. We entertain a lot.”

Crescent Bar friend and neighbor Margaret Linder can attest to that. She says the Holmeses are known throughout Crescent Bar for their barbecue. Her last birthday celebration was a surprise barbecue.

“It's the best,” Linder said.

Still another reason Holmes opened her new business is the need to do something. She was always busy in the horse business, breeding, raising, training and showing for 25 years.

“I had to give it up,” she said. “I'm no longer strong enough to handle horses.”

But Holmes is strong enough to do something. She became tired of being retired.

“You can't just do nothing,” she said. “I never have done nothing.”

Holmes launched Crescent Bar BQ on Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend, the first big day of the season. The man who outfitted the mobile unit was still working as she opened the door. She sold out of some items.

“It was way better than I thought it would be,” she said. “I can't thank the Crescent Bar community enough. I'm loving it. I meet new people every day.”

Sandwiches Holmes offers, on toasted rolls, include pulled pork, beef brisket and shredded chicken. She makes pork ribs and Beer in the Rear chicken. And there is spicy shrimp and rice.

Holmes prepares a Biggest Loser selection of Romaine lettuce wraps. They include chicken, pork, brisket or shrimp. There is a big beef frank on Ciabatta, and kids can choose from chicken nuggets, corndogs and meatballs.

Crescent Bar BQ is open five days a week. Holmes rests on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the slackest days of the week in Crescent Bar.

The days since Memorial weekend haven't been as good as the opening day, Holmes said, but they've been good enough. She was surprised at the level of business last week, when it was cool and rainy.

“We were busy,” she said.

Holmes leased her spot to the end of September in this first trial run year. She's not sure what she'll do after that. She may shut everything down until next year. She may try to re-locate for the off-season.

“I may try to find a spot in Wenatchee,” she said.

She may also look for an opportunity in Arizona. Her mother-in-law has a condo in the Phoenix area.

“I've emailed the Mesa flea market,” she said.