Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Reader supports right to carry weapons

| July 20, 2012 6:00 AM

Please vote for Rob McKenna for Governor. The ability to own, and lawfully carry a concealed weapon, is well understood if someone has tried to carjack you, or you called for immediate police help because you witnessed a woman being physically carried toward a waiting car, screaming for help, and the police never came!  A cell phone will not save your life! Any candidate who would have a person being assaulted telephone for police help (and suffer while hoping that it would appear in time to save life and property) does not understand our God given right to protect ourselves, our families, and our country. The next Governor should have demonstrated an understanding and commitment to Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution.  A person who would undermine the State

Constitution would violate their sacred Oath of Office. Publicly ask each candidate to explain the contents of RCW 43.01.020 and Section 24 of the State Constitution.  If a candidate does not know and understand these, how can they assure the Rights of the People?

We, the voters, have the responsibility to assure that our elected officials shall follow the State Constitution. John Adams stated, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Read an 1828 Webster's Dictionary to understand the words, especially with respect to "religion" and therefore religious!

Thomas Fancher

Moses Lake