Quincy resident finds Crescent Bar relaxing
CRESCENT BAR – Leslie Tobin lives in Quincy, but she really likes Crescent Bar. So much so that she visits every week throughout the year, winter included.
Tobin is a stay-at-home mom who has raised seven children, four still at home. They come to Crescent Bar with her some times and enjoy a picnic or kayaking.
“We don't have one of those big boats,” Tobin said.
What Tobin enjoys the most at Crescent Bar is photographing nature. She picked up a camera at the age of 15 and hasn't put it down. She collects cameras.
Tobin particularly enjoys photographing the wildlife. Her favorite animals to observe are the ospreys that soar high in the canyon.
Tobin hopes to do photography more seriously in the future. To prepare, she has taken photo-journalism classes at Big Bend Community College.
Tobin will likely look for opportunities in the area. Her husband Greg is an electrician who has taken over the family business with his brother Pat. It was started by the sort-of-retired Jack and Mary Tobin.
Raised in Seattle, Tobin moved to the Quincy area after meeting and marrying Greg. She started exploring the area soon thereafter.
“In the beginning I came down here for the kids,” she said. “Then I started seeing all the animals and nature.”