Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wind River

by GARNET WILSONSpecial to Herald
Herald Outdoor Writer | May 21, 2011 6:00 AM

Wind River

The above report seems bleak, but read on for a more exciting report

The daily limit has been increased for hatchery spring chinook at Wind River, a tributary to the Columbia River.

Up to six hatchery spring chinook may be retained and up to four may be adult chinook. The increased daily limit began yesterday and is expected to continue through June 30. 

Wind River from mouth, boundary line markers, to 400 feet below Shipherd Falls. Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to 400 feet below the coffer dam. Wind River from 100 feet above the coffer dam to 800 yards downstream of Carson National Fish Hatchery.

The daily limit will be six fish. Up to four may be adults of which no more than two may be hatchery steelhead. Release all salmon other than chinook and release wild chinook downstream from Shipherd Falls. Release all trout other than hatchery steelhead. Minimum size 12 inches for salmon and 20 inches for steelhead.

Night closures will remain in effect. In addition, the anti-snagging rule remains in effect from the Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge upstream. Only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained. 

The hatchery is expected to meet its escapement goal and surplus hatchery origin fish are available for harvest. There is insufficient time to adopt permanent rules.