And another reciting report from Drano Lake
The daily limit at Drano Lake has increased for hatchery spring chinook salmon. Up to six hatchery spring chinook may be retained. Up to four may be adult chinook. The limit increase is in effect from yesterday through July 31.
The location of this increase is Drano Lake downstream of markers on point of land downstream and across from Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery and upstream from Hwy. 14 Bridge.
The salmonid daily limit will be six fish. Up to four may be adults of which no more than two may be hatchery steelhead. Release all salmon other than hatchery chinook. Release all trout other than hatchery steelhead. Minimum size 12 inches for salmon and 20 inches for steelhead.
Night closure, bank only fishing area near the outlet, and Wednesday closures will remain in effect through June.
When the hatchery ladder was opened for a single day between May 12 and 13, a total of 1,662 spring chinook entered Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery. The hatchery escapement goal is 1,000 fish. Surplus hatchery fish, including jacks, are available for harvest.