Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| May 13, 2011 6:00 AM

Pay close attention to the proposed Republican budget cuts! 

Do you live on Social Security, receive Medicare and/or the drug benefit, are low-income on Medicaid, have a child in Head Start, birth to kindergarten readiness screening, have a child needing help with tuition funding for college, receive WIC funding, receive food stamps, receive birth control help, cancer screenings and mammograms, other health services in community health clinics using a sliding income scale for families, receive unemployment compensation, or workers' compensation, have children in over-crowded schools, worry about E Coli in your hamburger or spinach, Salmonella in eggs or children products (cuts to FDA), worry about air and water pollution (cuts to EPA), concerns over work-place rules and safety (cuts in OSHA and WISHA), right to unionize workers (cuts in Wagner Act), reductions to the Minimum Wage Act and 40-hour work week with overtime compensation, changes in employment discrimination involving sex, race, creed, age, eliminating child labor law protections, reducing regulations to Federal Transportation Commission on airline safety, reduced regulations for National Institute for Health, regulation reductions in Center for Disease Control, regulation reductions in enforcement people for IRS effects those that file hundreds to thousands of tax pages defining exemptions, exclusions, special rates, etc., and many more cuts?

These proposed changes in regulations and benefits, and programs, that have helped raise the standard of living for most Americans since the end of World War I, will drastically change life in America for nearly everyone, except the wealthy and well-connected, like those in Congress.

Please read and listen to many sources for information on this important, life-changing legislation being proposed. These changes touch all of us. Call and write your legislators. They need to hear from you.

Carolyn DuVall

Moses Lake