Reader disheartened by some comments
I know I'm coming to this discussion late, and I come with a
heavy heart.
I know I'm coming to this discussion late, and I come with a heavy heart. I am hurt and saddened by Superintendent Michelle Price's remarks. It is difficult for me to call her "caring and compassionate" as stated by School Board Director Connie Opheikens. In Michelle's article she said that, "I have chosen public education for my children because I want to parent them. I want them to be able to live and work among a diverse population. I want them to incorporate our family values and beliefs into their daily lives. I want them to learn to make mistakes and to be forgiven and shown unconditional love." Do I not parent my children because I send them to a private school? Will my kids not be able to live and work in a diverse population? Do my kids not incorporate our family values and beliefs into their daily lives? When they make mistakes are they not forgiven or shown unconditional love? Mrs. Opheikens and CBH, as marketing professionals you should then understand how damaging Michelle's words are to a private school where the teachers do everything that is mentioned by her about the public schools but for half the pay! Please, to all concerned, in your efforts to defend public education; do not put down the hard working families and organizations of private schools. I have strived to love and support those of my family and friends in the public school system; I am a graduate of MLHS myself. I am not here to put down the school district but to ask the public and the administration to show respect for all members of this community, even if we do not walk the same halls.
Kami (Turner) Mensonides
Moses Lake