Thursday, March 06, 2025


| May 6, 2011 6:00 AM

We have taken the paper for many years, and I always enjoy reading the letters to the editor (except during PUD elections). What made last week different were the attacks on the reporter Lynne Lynch, and more surprisingly, the Herald's own abandonment of her right to offer her opinion. Yes by all means do away with that column, or you can simply rename it: My Opinion (so long as you all agree). No one in this country agrees on anything, religion, race, government, and for the biggest fight, just dare to question that which is most sacred, our precious schools. Some forget that we were taught by these same schools and teachers to speak our minds, and appreciate the freedom our country provides.

Where on earth do you think you would all be, without opinions, and observations? Improved when needed? I think not. One thing everyone who read that embarrassing bottom kissing letter to the school district must realize is politics and economics govern us all. Papers, magazines, TV, get the most income from exciting and enraging the public, and profiling that which is most sensitive in nature, in other words, witch hunts. Why do you think there are 10 stories of infidelity reported on, (or more) for every one story about a beautiful lifelong romance between a husband and wife? When did good things become un-newsworthy? 

Like one of your readers said, "don't shoot the messenger." Try listening, because it might just teach you something about yourself. Teach for a day? I think her article has taught me plenty, and while everyone has the right to state their opinion, we can also choose not to be cruel, just because we disagree.