Earth Angels Garden Club has best plant sale yet
DESERT AIRE - The purpose of the Earth Angels Garden Club of Desert Aire is for its 20 members to exchange gardening ideas and carry out charity or volunteer missions.
After last Saturday's annual plant/yard sale, charity and volunteerism should see a boost. The club collected more than $500, its best take ever.
According to member Paula Bashforth, Earth Angels has several missions. Perhaps the most significant is donations to Heifer International, an organization that helps people in third-world countries with "living loans" to launch agricultural enterprises.
"We have donated money to buy bees, chickens and ducks," Bashforth said.
Heifer's approach to providing global assistance to struggling countries has been characterized by long-term development, rather than short-term relief, Bashforth added.
Closer to home, Earth Angels donates funds to a program at the University of Washington Huxley Environmental School. Those funds support $1,000 scholarships for teachers.
The Huxley donations are made through the Washington Federation of Garden Clubs, of which Earth Angels is a member.
Earth Angels donates to Blue Mountain Wildlife, a non-profit organization that aids orphaned, sick or injured wildlife, primarily birds of prey.
Earth Angels also does volunteer work in the local community. It plants and maintains the flowers in the planter at the "Welcome to Mattawa" sign at Highway 243 and Road 24 SW.
Earth Angels members prune and/or trim the 80 rose bushes at the Desert Aire Airport. They plant trees each year at Columbia Basin Hospitals and community facilities.
"This year we've added the stillborn baby section at one of the cemeteries in the Tri-Cities," said Sandy McCaffrey, who will become the club's president in June.
Earth Angel members also volunteer at area nursing homes. They visit patients and make flower arrangements for their homes.