Sunday, May 05, 2024

Say 'thank you' to a farmer for National Ag Day



OLYMPIA - The next time that you bite into an apple, pour milk over your cereal, grill a steak or enjoy a glass of wine or craft-beer, know that a Washington farmer or rancher had a hand in bringing that delicious food to your table.

Tuesday was National Ag Day, where we should have taken a moment and thank those producers for being an integral part of our food chain. Washington State producers are some of the most productive growers in the nation, and they create the second most diverse amount of commodities.

Washington State produces more than half of the nation's apples, is first in hops production and second in both potatoes and grapes. Our food and agriculture industry employs 160,000 people, and makes up more than 10 percent of the overall state economy.

Farm Service Agency's mission is to provide farmers and ranchers with the federal commodity and credit support they need to remain viable and competitive in the global market. Across 43 programs ranging from commodity payments to disaster assistance and operating loans, FSA provided more than $345 million to Washington farmers and ranchers during fiscal year 2010.

Agriculture also provides a way into the "American Dream" of owning a business. There is a healthy mix of large and small farms across the state, with the majority being family-owned. Farm Service Agency has been successful in encouraging and assisting a diverse makeup of farm owners and operators, ensuring a vibrant agricultural community.

From the sprawling wheat fields in Eastern Washington to the Christmas tree farms in the west, Washington's producers are part of the fabric of our state. Please raise your glass, your fork or give a firm handshake in thanks to Washington's farmers and ranchers.