Thursday, March 06, 2025


by Alan DaleHerald Sports Writer
| March 12, 2011 5:00 AM

Head coach: Mindy Turner (Fourth year)

2010 overall record: 5-15

2011 league record: 4-14

2011 postseason: None

Number of returnees: Seven

ROSTER: SENIORS - Tiffany Jordan, Brianna Zufall, Reina Diaz, and Bea Blanco; JUNIORS - Veta Babak, Aspen King, Cresencia Alexander, Jennifer Herrera, Bobbi Jo Hawkins, and Catherine Teixeira; SOPHOMORES - Ashley Hooper, Deonne Ramm, and Allyissa Rose.

OUTLOOK: A tough go in the Central Washington 2B South last year may be a thing of the past if seven Soap Lake returnees can improve and build off of their experiences.

"We have a lot of experienced players returning for us this year and have gotten some new players that are very quick," head coach Mindy Turner said. "We are still having to fill some positions that were vacated by graduating seniors and students transferring to other schools."

Tiffany Jordan, Bea Blanco, Veta Babak, Cresencia Alexander, Aspen King, Deonne Ramm, and Aliyissa Rose are the seven players that will lend the Lady Eagles the needed experience in what could be a tougher league race with the addition of Warden.

"I am very excited about our pitching this year," Turner said. "Deonne Ramm is a returner from last year and is looking great this year. Her speed has improved and she is ready to get in there and do her best. Also, Tiffany Jordan, a senior third baseman, has been with the program for the last couple of years and gets better and better every year. I am really looking to see some great things from her."

Key will be the team sticking to plenty of hard work to keep their chances high for a post season run.

"Our league is looking pretty good," Turner said. "There are some tough teams that we hope to give a run for their money. I think that Warden and Kittitas are going to be at the top of the division. But first, this year we would like to cut back on the errors and work our hardest every game."