Thursday, March 06, 2025

Reader believes education begins at home

| June 17, 2011 6:00 AM

The uproar over what Lynne Lynch wrote in the newspaper has been followed by many of us. I too considered ending my subscription. I don't like censorship of some because others disagree with what is being said. One thing I haven't seen pointed out though, is the fact that education starts in the home. If, as parents, you are not raising respectful, disciplined children, then you are the problem. You cannot raise thugs, send them to our schools and make us all just accept it. Why did you have kids if you won't put the effort into raising them? The growing crime and gang problem plaguing our communities is caused by poor parenting. Yeah, I said it! Be a parent, actually raise your kids right. If you want to raise thugs, I'll vote to build more prisons. You can visit the product of your "parenting" there.

Jon Smith

Moses Lake