CLEAN UP Group conducts clean up in Moses Lake
Man Up Movement performed the first Man Up & Clean Up project in Moses Lake on Sunday, June 5. They spent the day picking up 47 pounds of garbage at local parks and fishing areas including Alder Street Fill, Under I-90 Bridge, and at Mount Lake trestle. Man Up Movement would like to make people aware that there are good men in our community with character and values who think giving a little something back to Moses lake will hopefully create a ripple effect throughout the city and beyond. Man Up Movement is a organization created locally about three months ago it has spread to other cities and states and even as far as Canada. They also strongly support our troops and have members currently on deployment in Iraq and Bahrain. The overall message of the movement is to bring awareness that as men they have a moral obligation to not only be a good role model to their children and their community but also a man with good values and character. You can follow them on face book by searching Man Up Movement and learn upcoming events and community projects.
Rafael Rivera III
Moses Lake