DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Multiple Capital Projects at Priest Rapids Dam, including:
•New Wanapum Heritage Center
•Priest Rapids Dam Waste Management Building
Grant PUD is proposing to construct several projects over the next 5 to 10 years within close proximity (less than 2 miles) of Priest Rapids Dam to allow for continued operation, maintenance, and compliance with FERC licensing requirements (issued in April 2008). This SEPA Checklist is intended to cover two currently identified projects in the vicinity of Priest Rapids Dam. Future combined SEPA Checklists may be prepared for future additions, expansions, or further activities related to Priest Rapids Dam projects.
New Wanapum Heritage Center
The New Wanapum Heritage Center is composed of the Cultural Resources Program, the Exhibits, and the Repository and includes constructing and furnishing a 47,000 SF facility that will house staff, exhibits, a repository, and the Living Culture Program. The identified goals of the project are: 1) to protect, preserve, and perpetuate the culture, traditions, beliefs, and identity of the Wanapum Band of Priest Rapids; 2) to develop and implement programs related to the protection and preservation of Wanapum culture and history; and 3) to inform and educate visitors and Grant County residents about the importance of preserving the rich cultural, historic, and prehistoric resources of the region.
The New Wanapum Heritage Center will provide site improvements and facility space in support of the Wanapum Band of Priest Rapids and Grant PUD's FERC license issued in April 2008. Interior space includes a new 10,000 SF permanent exhibit, 2,000 SF temporary exhibit, 8,000 SF repository for the collection, collection support rooms, welcome place, library, oral history workroom, administrative offices, multipurpose room, kitchen, and other miscellaneous rooms to support the Program.
The main portion of the building is anticipated to be constructed with concrete site cast or plant cast sandwich panels with a core of rigid insulation on concrete foundations. The low slope roof on the main building is planned to be a single-ply membrane, over rigid insulation, over metal deck and a steel joist/girder structure. The floor structure is anticipated to be steel composite metal decking with concrete topping slab with steel beams/girders and columns. The basement floor is concrete slab on grade.
The Office/Library/Multipurpose Wing is programmed to be of modular construction (plant constructed) on concrete foundation. Modular wall construction consists of 2X6 wood framed walls with batt insulation, exterior siding, and gypsum wall board interior finishes. The roof structure is wood truss with either metal or single-ply roofing over wood deck. Interior finishes include carpet, hard surface flooring, suspended acoustic tile ceilings, and painted wall board.
A new small on-site sewage system will be constructed, which includes a septic tank, grease interceptor, dosing pump(s), and septic field. Underground electrical service will be extended from an existing distribution line adjacent to the project property to the new facility adjacent to the facility access road.
Waste Management Building
Grant PUD proposes to construct a new approximately 3,500 SF concrete tilt-up building (see Figure 1) for the processing, consolidation, and short-term storage of waste products including solvents, paint thinners, spent anti-freeze, used oil, used oil filters, waste paints, used batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury switches, electronic waste, used floor stripper, used metal working fluid, miscellaneous cleaners, used spray cans, waste insecticides, waste herbicides, outdated fish study anesthesia, lead-contaminated debris, asbestos-containing materials, waste rags contaminated with thinner, greasy/oily rags, and other similar products that are inappropriate for standard landfill disposal. Grant PUD also proposes to construct a new small on-site sewage system for the building. Other proposed site improvements include paved parking and storage areas, emergency vehicle access, sidewalks, and chain link fencing. Site improvements are not expected to exceed 1 acre.
Construction activities will be conducted over a 6-month period and include the following:
•Proposed cut and fill activities are required to provide a level parking lot. The parking lot is anticipated to provide a maximum of three parking spaces.
•Estimated cut\fill quantity is approximately 200 cubic yards.
•Fill, if required, would be imported from local off-site permitted source.
•On-site soils will be used to grade the site where possible.
•The building, sanitary system, electrical appurtenances, and associated stormwater controls will be constructed and additional site improvements (paved parking and storage areas, emergency vehicle access, sidewalks, chain link fencing, etc.) will be installed.
PROPONENT: Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington
Priest Rapids Dam is located at 29086 Highway 243 South near the town of Mattawa (99349) in Grant County, Washington. To access the site from Interstate-90 (I-90), take exit 137 from the east end of the Vantage Bridge for State Highway 26 (WA-26) east toward Othello/Richland. Continue driving south on WA-26 for approximately 1.4 miles and turn right onto State Highway 243 (WA-243). Drive south for approximately 20 miles and take the Priest Rapids Dam exit located to the south of Desert Aire, Washington. The projects are located near Priest Rapids Dam along the entrance road into the dam.
*Note that approval from Grant PUD is required prior to accessing portions of the property adjacent to the Priest Rapids Dam. If required, contact J. Darrell Pock (509) 754-5098 of Grant PUD to schedule a site visit.
New Wanapum Heritage Center
This site for the New Wanapum Heritage Center project is located west of State Highway 243, north of the Priest Rapids Dam Road to Priest Rapids Dam, and adjacent to the Columbia River in Section 36, Township 14 North, Range 23 East WM. See Figure 1 for the proposed project location.
Waste Management Building
The site for the Waste Management Building is located west of State Highway 243 and south of the main Priest Rapids Dam access road in Section 2, Township 13 North, Range 23 East WM. See Figure 1 for the proposed project location.
LEAD AGENCY: Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington
The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.
o There is no comment period for this DNS.
o This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the DNS.
6 This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by July 26, 2011 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Responsible official: J. Darrell Pock
Position/title: Project Specialist III
Phone: (509) 754-5098
Address: P.O. Box 878
30 C St. SW
Ephrata, WA 98823
Date: Signature:________________________________________
J. Darrell Pock, Project Specialist III
6 There is no agency appeal.
Pub.: July 13 & 20, 2011