Tuesday, January 28, 2025

School bumper stickers due to appear

| July 13, 2011 6:00 AM

ROYAL CITY - The Royal School District's Community Communication Committee has developed a bumper sticker you may soon be seeing around town.

The "What's Up?" or "ÀQuŽ Pasa?" bumper sticker is designed to start community members to wondering what's happening at the schools, according to committee member Richard Gregoire, who is also the principal at Red Rock Elementary School.

"The committee, or CCC, has already met and is taking action," he said.

The first order of business has been to organize the group. The second has been to determine how people in the community prefer to receive their information.

Surveys aimed at that goal are available on the district website and businesses around town and have been printed in The Royal Register. The website is www.royal.wednet.edu.

The results will be tallied after July 9. The CCC will continue its meeting schedule in August to plan future steps. It will have an informational booth at Summerfest.

The next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 22 at the Royal High School Library at 5:30 p.m. The public is welcome.

- Staff report