Tuesday, January 28, 2025


| January 28, 2011 5:00 AM


Thank you for getting the truth out about our PUD Commissioners and how they are driving the PUD into financial ruin. They seem to believe in charging more just to cover up their mistakes. Who's going to pay for the lawsuit they already lost and the Crescent Bar suit that is just beginning? The ratepayers. We will pay for the lawyers needed to defend the commissioners, we will pay the amounts awarded. Crescent Bar should be given to the people living there. PUD rushed to step on these people before new commissioners were sworn in, in case they didn't agree with the idea. The new rates were approved by the same outgoing commissioners. They need to be rescinded or the commission needs to be recalled. We read their comments in the CBH and it all sounds like smoke to keep us in the dark.


Speaking about blowing smoke. When Sarah Palin's favorite words are "Reload, Fire" it is not meant to bring civil anything to the public. The Tea Party sure kept their mouths shut when the Republicans demanded massive tax breaks or they wouldn't approve the unemployment needed to support our workers. The GOP/Tea-ers screamed about the money to pay for unemployment but they didn't care who lost to put the money in their own wallets. Bush is not our president, but the GOP and you are bush-league. The second amendment which gives the right to bear arms should have expired two hundred years ago, but it was used again this weekend to kill or wound 11 police officers. Finally, would you see if you can stop the GOP from sending me NRA applications and asking for a donation. I don't need your guns, I don't want your guns, and I'm not going to support the crazies in and about your phony personna.

David Adamson

Moses Lake