Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| February 25, 2011 5:00 AM

The fire station on Mae Valley Road got tagged. Another gang tagged over the first tag. The radio said: gang prevention and teen pregnancy prevention, down in Yakima, have lost there funding. These groups will reapply for funding jointly.  

One solution to this problem is to borrow more money from China, build more prisons, hire more police and judges. Then our courts could run 24-7. Maybe if everyone carried a camera and we were all live, 24-7, crime would disappear. Utopia. No. Since humans are not perfect, we would simply have to build even more prisons. Let us just spend the money. $15 trillion, $30 trillion, a balanced budget during a police action in the Middle East. Sure, we can do it!

Solution two: destroy Socialism. Socialism is a safety net that stops evolution from happening. "Failure" is the counter to "success."

Teen pregnancy and gangs are the natural life ways of mammals. All mammals that live in matriarchal systems live this way. Humans also lived this way in pre-civilized cultures.

Teen pregnancy and gang membership have a lot in common. Ninety percent of the time, in both cases, the biological parents are not married or the marriage has a major malfunction. There are exceptions to the rule. Mental and/or genetic problems. Everything boils down to either nature and/or nurture.  

Solution three: humans need to emulate sociable birds. These birds live in peace without judges, police, or prisons. Birds are not mammals and live in patriarchal systems. How do they do this? The answer requires more than the 300 words we are allowed here.

Freedom, but we are not free to be uncivilized. Civilization: trust, corroboration, and responsibility. Being responsible is what we call, "adult." What do we call humans that emulate sociable birds? Married. Simple, but not politically correct.

Rocky Cassiano

Moses Lake