Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Fresh News from MarDon

by Mike MesebergMarilyn Meseberg<br> Special to Herald
| February 19, 2011 5:00 AM


A night crawler filled with air with a worm blower produced these fine cold water trout to 4 pounds for Eric Williams and Gary Michel of the Royal Slope.

MARDON RESORT - Ice remains a problem for boater access to the Sand dunes on Potholes Reservoir. Just one more warm south wind and the dunes could be ice free. Boaters are catching walleye using blade baits on the humps just off the face of the sand dunes in 15' to 45' of water. The Goose Island area on Potholes Reservoir has been producing good walleye and smallmouth bass with blade baits and drop shoting techniques. The Lind Coulee arm of the reservoir continues to hold boat stopping ice. However the boat launch area off of M. Road has open water and available "fish action." Bank fishing is most available in the Lind Coulee. Make sure you post your vehicle access pass issued by the DFW as it is required in all pull offs in the Lind Coulee areas. The Seep Lakes are still primarily iced over for boat activity. There is some open water on the shorelines to try your hand at ice-off trout fishing.