Thursday, March 06, 2025

Moses Lake group wants signs

by Amy PhanHerald Staff Writer
| February 18, 2011 5:00 AM

MOSES LAKE - The Moses Lake Vision 2020 beautification group is moving forward on two sign projects.

The first is a banner to be hung on a fence close to the state's labor and industries building, near the intersection on West Broadway Avenue and Melva Lane in Moses Lake.

The project includes landscaping the area in front of the fence. 

The banner will be roughly 16 feet long by 2 feet high and feature two picture symbols.

One is depicting a fish and a hook and another of a person on a personal water craft.

The fence where the banner will be placed upon is owned by the state Department of Transportation.

Gateway project leader Richard Teals said he hopes to have the fence banner up by the end of the week and then submit photos to the DOT.

The state will decide if banner can be hung.

Teals said he hopes to get a response from the DOT by the end of the month.

The second sign project features two large directions signs, measuring about 9 feet by 6 feet each.

Each sign has a "Welcome to Moses Lake" greeting along with the city's symbol.

Vision 2020 members discussed possible sign locations.

The first location suggested is the grass section in front of Perkins Restaurant and Bakery on South Interlake Road, said Bill Ecret, one of three Vision 2020 members on the sign committee.

The entry sign will say "Laketown landing, 2 miles ahead."

The second location considered is near the fence of Conoco gas station, by exit 179 on Interstate 90.

The exiting sign will say "Thank you for visiting, come back soon!"

Costs estimates for the directional signs is between $24,000 and $28,000.

"The point of the signs is to increase traffic and tax revenue to the city," said Debbie Doran-Martinez, who is also on the sign committee.

Ecret said the signs will need to be approved by city council.