Saturday, May 04, 2024

Reader supports Mick Hansen

by Moses LakeHarold Hochstatter
| December 9, 2011 5:00 AM

Will Rogers said, "It is not that I don't choose to run, I won't run no matter how badly the country needs a comedian at the time." If the colossal screw-ups at the irrigation district are ceasing to be funny, you can't fault their timing. Consider the beached whale caper with the dredge. They did it to themselves! Remember, the district controls the lake level. So, after dredging a hole just big enough to sink the dredge, they let the water out, leaving the dredge mired in its own muck. The dredge doesn't drive, it doesn't walk, it floats, or did; then presto, no lake.

$100,000 a year manager Curt Carpenter is a landscaper. Someone tell him not to saw the limb off while he is sitting on it. So, with Duncan's Crane and some expensive diesel tow trucks, they dragged the humbled beast across the muck. All this just weeks before election day. I can't wait to see the press release on this latest blivit. But no matter how they spin it, I will be voting for Mick Hansen. Mick Hansen knows business. Mick tells the truth. And Mick doesn't have his hand in the till.