LYNNE LYNCH'S MY TURN Reader defends her former school
The debate about the quality of public schools is not new, but the arguments should be based on more meaningful information than provided in this article. Lynch makes her decision of private education being superior based on three incidents which she saw in the few minutes she was at the school. This is too important a decision to draw from such little research. Why did you not ask the gentleman wearing the "dirty blue jeans" more about what he does, instead of assuming? Why not stay around the school and visit more before coming to such a harsh opinion? Where is the additional research that a reporter is expected to do?
As a proud alumnus of the local public school system, I find it demeaning, based on these brief observations heavily influenced by negative judgment, that only private schools can provide education to create "employable and well-mannered" children. I graduated from the local public high school with a high GPA, went on to a top tier Pac-10 College and graduated with honors. My skills gained at public school make me very employable. Many of my former public school classmates have succeeded similarly. We are also well mannered.
While some believe that they can shelter their children from the horrors of public school by placing them in private school, they may only delay their exposure to a more diverse society. What will they do when their children go off to college or begin work in the real world? By sheltering them from diversity and not teaching them to learn through situations they may encounter in public school and life, they may actually hinder their children in their spiritual, emotional and academic progress.
Josie Daschel
Moses Lake