Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| April 15, 2011 1:00 PM



Floating Dock and Fixed Pier removal:

The existing floating dock, associated pilings, and fixed pier

will be removed due to safety concerns. The dock and pier will be

removed using hand tools and floated to shore. If possible, the

fixed pier could be removed during low water with no in-water work.

The removal methods for the floating dock pilings are not

determined at this time, however the docks, being the size they

are, may need a large track excavator (on shore) to remove them.

This excavator will be used to pull the piling straight up and out

of the water. Pilings will not be dragged across the substrate of

Getty's Cove.

DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Getty's Cove Site Preparation.

Floating Dock and Fixed Pier removal:

The existing floating dock, associated pilings, and fixed pier will be removed due to safety concerns. The dock and pier will be removed using hand tools and floated to shore. If possible, the fixed pier could be removed during low water with no in-water work. The removal methods for the floating dock pilings are not determined at this time, however the docks, being the size they are, may need a large track excavator (on shore) to remove them. This excavator will be used to pull the piling straight up and out of the water. Pilings will not be dragged across the substrate of Getty's Cove.

Building Demolition:

The existing restroom buildings and store will be demolished. The store is within 200 feet of the shoreline, not sure about the other buildings. The demolition contractor will be responsible for obtaining proper permits from Kittitas County for the demolition only. No new buildings will be constructed to replace these buildings.

Gate Replacement:

Existing gates at the south side of Huntzinger Road Bridge will be replaced (entrance to Caretaker residence and YTC access).  The gate at the YTC access road will likely need new postholes dug, about 3 feet deep. A chain link fence will be installed adjacent to the caretaker residence on the west side of the house.

Fill Hole at Demolished Trailer:

The demolished 'shower trailer' left a depression that needs to be filled in, total fill amount is unknown but likely about 5 cubic yards.

Irrigation pump automation:     For ease of property management, the project site's irrigation system will be automated. As part of this automation the irrigation site will be fenced to protect the public and the irrigation system. Additionally the automation will include an auto switch which involves no underground work. It will also have a small expansion tank installed, with an additional pressure switch and timer. This work would be at the pump site on the existing panels and slab.

PROPONENT: Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington


From I-90 at Vantage, take the Huntzinger Road exit. Follow Huntzinger Road south, Getty's Cove is located on the right side (west side) of Huntzinger Road about 3 miles south of I-90. Specific location is at 046° 52' 46.43” N // 119° 59' 23.07” W in Section 18, Township 16N, Range 23 EW M, Kittitas County, Washington.

LEAD AGENCY: Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington

The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.

o There is no comment period for this DNS.

o This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355.  There is no further comment period on the DNS.

5  This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by April 21st, 2011  5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Responsible official: J. Darrell Pock

Position/title: Project Specialist III

Phone:    (509) 754-5098

Address: P.O. Box 878

              30 C St. SW

              Ephrata, WA 98823

              /s/ J Darrell Pock,


Signature: J. Darrell Pock, Project Specialist III

5  There is no agency appeal.


Pub.: April 7th and 14th, 2011