Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| April 1, 2011 6:00 AM

Reader disagrees with legislator's stances

At the recent town hall with Doc Hastings, entitlements, we have to get rid of them, says Doc.

Of course Doc wants to get rid of social security, veterans' benefits, Medicare and Medicaid, his pointer on chart; as it is we the people saying what we will have done with our tax dollars.

We have entitlements to say hands off to Doc and others who would misappropriate our money. Doc clearly is saying he does not support vets, seniors, the disable, or, in effect, we the people as a whole. Anyone not for the "we the people" should be recalled as unfit for office.

It took generations to put these programs in place. Are they perfect? Is the system perfect? No If we do not say, "hands off" to Doc and his cronies, we will not have the programs at all. Doc says we can't afford them. We the people can't afford Doc's policy of taking away what few rights we the people have left.

We the people are the government not the elected elite as emperor, Obama, Doc and other elected idiots would have us to believe. Pay attention to what they are really saying. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes. Don't be a sheep. Power to the people!

Don Majors

Moses Lake