The Department of Ecology issued a determination of
nonsignificance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act
Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: Upgrade
Americold Facility's cold storage domestic and industrial sewer
system and connecting their system to the City of Moses Lake's
Dunes Public Owned Treatment Works System.
The Department of Ecology issued a determination of nonsignificance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: Upgrade Americold Facility's cold storage domestic and industrial sewer system and connecting their system to the City of Moses Lake's Dunes Public Owned Treatment Works System. The facility is located at 3245 Road, "N" N.E. Moses Lake, WA 98837.
After review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the agency, the Department of Ecology has determined this proposal will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Copies of the DNS are available at no charge from the Water Quality Section, Department of Ecology, 4601 N. Monroe, Spokane, WA 99205, (509)329-3400. The public is invited to comment on this DNS by submitting written comments no later than October 14, 2010 to the Water Quality Section at the above address.
Pub.: September 29, 2010