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Open conversations help close the door to domestic violence

| September 13, 2010 2:00 PM

(ARA) - In the age of blogs, Facebook and reality shows, it seems there's nothing off the table for discussion. Yet, one issue remains taboo: domestic violence.

Domestic violence is more common than many think and it impacts all genders, races and ages. A recent survey from The Allstate Foundation shows that nearly three out of four Americans know a domestic violence victim, yet only 54 percent of Americans have talked to a friend about the issue. The survey also found that only 56 percent would know what to do to help a victim.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and a movement is growing to encourage people to talk openly about the issue and face domestic violence together. To break down the barriers, Cheryl Burke of "Dancing with the Stars" and Judge Jeanine Pirro of the "Judge Pirro" show are partnering with The Allstate Foundation's Tell a Gal Pal program to encourage everyone to talk openly about domestic violence, help those in need, educate one another and ultimately end the cycle of abuse.

"Domestic violence can happen to anyone - it happened to me. I'm using my experience to let survivors know that they're not alone, it's not their fault, and be proof that you can survive - and most importantly succeed in a better future," says Cheryl Burke. "By telling a gal pal about domestic violence, we're educating one another on the issue to erase misconceptions and provide the right support to those in need."

The Tell a Gal Pal movement encourages people to face domestic violence together and support domestic violence victims and survivors by:

* Talking openly about domestic violence. Tell your gal pals - whether it's your best friend, sister, mother, daughter, niece, cousin or neighbor - to face domestic violence by discussing the issue, listening without judgment, educating one another and showing support for survivors.

* Visiting for easy ways to start the conversation, learn more about the resources available for those in need or read inspirational survivor stories.

* Speaking out against domestic violence when you see it. Call the police or National Domestic Violence Hotline (800-799-SAFE) to report domestic violence in your community - you could help save a life.

* Volunteering at or donating items to a local domestic violence program. Contact your state domestic violence coalition for more information. A complete list of state coalitions can be found in the "Resources" section on

"Everyone has a gal pal, a friend, a family member that they can speak to about this issue," says Jennifer Kuhn, Domestic Violence Program Manager with The Allstate Foundation. "By starting the conversation with our closest friends, we can put an end to the secrecy that too often shrouds domestic violence."

Since her time as a prosecutor, Pirro has been an advocate on behalf of domestic violence victims on her television show, in her court room and through her partnership with the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

"We've got to try to lift up women and try to make them feel that they are worthy," says Pirro. "It's up to us to tell a gal pal. I have - many times."

Starting the conversation can be difficult, but it is the first step in bringing light to the issue and supporting those in need. Easy ways to start the dialogue can by found by visiting You can also join thousands of supporters online on Facebook at or on Twitter at