Sunday, December 15, 2024


| October 19, 2010 1:00 PM

Description of proposal:     The proposal is to land apply

potato solids to agricultural fields, in order to reclaim the

nutrients available in the solids.

Description of proposal:     The proposal is to land apply potato solids to agricultural fields, in order to reclaim the nutrients available in the solids.  The solids will originate from wastewater treatment ponds that serve two potato processors.  The proposal will involve hauling of the solids from within city limits of Warden and land spreading the solids on specific fields along Highway 17 used for raising crops.

Proponent:  OB-3 Resource Management, LLC

Location :

Solids origination: 1201 Basin St. Warden, WA 98857 Parcel #s 060647010 and 060647005

Land application Sites:   17068 Rd. 7 SE Warden, WA Parcel #191300000; No site address Parcel 191304000; 6790 Rd. R SE Warden, WA Parcel #191305000; No Site address Parcel #191365000; 8392 Rd. R SE Warden, WA Parcel #191377000; 8898 Hwy 17 Warden, WA  Parcel #191380000; 8754 Rd. R SE Warden, WA  Parcel #191381000; 8802 Rd. R SE Warden, WA Parcel #191381001; 8190 Rd. R.7 SE Warden, WA Parcel #191391002; 17210 Rd. 10 SE Warden, WA Parcel #191407001; No site address Parcel #191407002; 17705 Rd. 8 SE Warden, WA Parcel #191484000; No site address Parcel #191302000; No site address Parcel #191382000; No Site Address Parcel #191398000; 9951 Rd. R SE Warden, WA Parcel #191403000; 9800 Rd. R SE Warden, WA Parcel #191404000; No Site Address Parcel #191405000; No Site Address Parcel #191406000; No Site Address Parcel #191407000; 10017 Rd. R SE Warden, WA  Parcel #191408000; No Site Address Parcel #312945000; No Site Address Parcel #313197000; 7092 Rd. R SE Warden, WA Parcel #312513000

Lead agency: Grant County Health District

The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.  An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.  This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below.  Written comments must be submitted by November 1, 2010.

Responsible official: 

Todd Phillips EHS 2 (Grant County Health District)


PO Box 37

1st and C NW

Ephrata, WA 98823

Date:  10/16/10                        Signature            : Todd Phillips


Pub.: October 19 & 26, 2010