Thursday, March 06, 2025

Late modern firearm deer season underway, runs through Nov. 19

by Dennis L. Clay<br> Special to HeraldGARNET WILSON
| November 13, 2010 12:00 PM


Bobby Loomis, Wenatchee, Andy Byrd, Manson, and Pat Saloky, Fairmont, WV, fished Rufus Woods Reservoir on Nov. 8 with Anton Jones. They caught a four-person limit of two fish each. The largest fish weighed 7.5 pounds. When fishing with bait, every fish caught must be counted as part of the limit.

The late modern firearm deer season began a week ago, Nov. 6, and will continue through next Friday, Nov. 19 in Game Management Units 105 through 124, which is the northeastern part of the state. This hunt is for white-tailed deer only and any buck is legal.

The late season is a favorite for many deer hunters who haven't notch a tag during the regular season. Plus some hunters wait for the late season because there is a chance to bag a big buck, which otherwise would be hiding.

The reason the bucks show themselves more during this time of year is biological. The rut is on, meaning the bucks, even the oldest, most intelligent and those with the largest antlers, will throw caution to the wind and be chasing does with the goal of impregnating as many as possible.

Late archery deer season

There are several late archery deer seasons in Eastern Washington, such as Nov. 10 through Dec. 15 in GMU 101 for any white-tailed deer. Plus there are four other late archery seasons for various GMUs, varying dates and various requirements for legal deer. Plus there are four late archery mule deer hunts, such as Dec. 2 through Dec. 8 in GMUs 133 and 136, antlerless only. Study the hunting pamphlet for specific dates and other rules.

Late muzzleloader deer seasons

There are four white-tailed deer muzzleloader hunts and three mule deer hunts scheduled later this month and into December. Study the hunting pamphlet for specific dates and other rules.

Elk seasons continue

There are also several late elk seasons. One modern firearm season continues through Nov. 15 for any elk for a number of 200 GMUs and three 300 GMUs.

One master hunter hunt will continue through Dec. 31 and another goes through Jan. 20 for antlerless animals.

Late archery elk seasons

There are seven late archery elk seasons with various dates and GMUs. Study the hunting pamphlet for specific dates and other rules.

Late muzzleloader elk seasons

Four late muzzleloader seasons exist for elk hunters in various GMUs and with varying dates. Study the hunting pamphlet for specific dates and other rules.

Permit elk hunts

There are several permit hunts still in progress, some about to begin and several continuing into 2011.

Notice the repeated sentence about studying the pamphlet. There are so many GMUs involved and different dates for specific hunts, listing them here would fill the page. Instead we trust each hunter will do the ethical and smart practice of checking the pamphlet for the rules.

Good luck to all.

General cougar season

The general cougar season for any weapon will continue through March 31, 2011 in several GMUs, through Dec. 31 in others and through Nov. 30 in still others. Again it is imperative hunters study the pamphlet.

Bear season

The fall black bear general season will close Nov. 15.

One more turkey season

The late fall general turkey season will take place from Nov. 20 through Dec. 15. Hunters are allowed to take one turkey of either sex in GMUs 105 through 124. This is a great hunt and there should be plenty of turks in the northeastern part of the state.

The trick is to secure permission from landowners. If a flock is spotted, begin knocking on doors. There are people in the season area who are tired of having so many of the birds around.

Ducks and geese

We have not had an up-to-date report reach this desk in a week, but birds have been seen in the area around the countryside.

The North Flight Waterfowl Web site, featuring Ben Holten and his guides, indicates they are having a good season so far. His booking calendar show a few opening, which provides an indication of hunters' confidence in Ben and his service.

Check the site at: or give Ben a call at 509-431-3873.

Corn stubble access

Contracts for access to harvested corn stubble fields in the Columbia Basin are in the works, but they won't be finalized until after the field-corn harvest, in approximately mid-November. A map of walk-in hunting fields enrolled in the Corn Stubble Retention Program will be posted on Fish and Wildlife's Northcentral Region Web page, once the contracts are complete. Look to this column to also post the map.

OK, we are patiently/anxiously awaiting the map. Get the corn cut.

News from the Ephrata Sportsmen's Association

This organization was established in 1952, so it is 58 years old this year.

They have a fine group who organize various events. Those in the greater community have an opportunity to participate in such events as..., well there are a bunch of them. Read on.

Junior shooters begin fall and winter indoor shoots next week

Youth ages 10 through 17, but check about other ages, are invited to participate in indoor shoots this fall and winter at the Ephrata Sportsmen's Association indoor range at the Boyd Mordhorst Shooting Range near Ephrata.

There is no cost as the Ephrata Sportsmen's Association provides the rifles and ammunition. The shooters need to secure eye and ear protection. Boy Scouts should be interested in this opportunity to secure their merit badges. Other youth should also not let this chance to learn about proper shooting techniques get away.

The shoots are scheduled for every Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m.

Please contact Tom McIntosh, a certified instructor, at 246-8009. William Merrill, jr., also a certified instructor.

Also at the Boyd Mordhorst Range

The Ephrata Sportsmen's Association also provides a chance to participate in trap shooting, open to the public on Sundays beginning at 1p.m. Ask for Penn.

Also they offer skeet shooting, which is open to the public on Thursdays beginning at 6 p.m . The cost is only $3 per round of 25. 

For Bullseye shooting, Fred Wright is at the indoor range on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. This group shoots .22 through .45 pistols. Contact Wright at 750-6567

Five stand to continue at range

The Ephrata Sportsmen's Association is bringing the competition of five stand to their Boyd Mordhorst Shooting Range near Ephrata.

This competition is similar to shooting sporting clays, as a variety of targets are thrown while a competitor is at one of five stands or shooting stations. Usually there are between six and eight traps that throw targets.

Participants shoot in turn at each of the five stands and various combinations of targets are thrown from the traps. Five Stand allows a shooting club to get a Sporting Clays like experience in a small amount of space, with very little walking.

Five stand is scheduled on Sunday mornings beginning at 10 a.m. The cost is $5 a round and this event is open to the public.

Membership to the association is $60 a year and memberships can be purchases at Old World Trading in Moses Lake and Ephrata.

From Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service Manson:

What's hot is late fall fishing for Lahontan Cutthroat at Omak Lake and Rufus Woods Reservoir for triploid rainbows.

We had a 52-fish day up at Omak Lake during the reporting period with our friends at In spite of that big number, I would not say it was easy.

We worked hard for our fish and pounded locations from the Northern Bay all the way to the Southern tip of the lake to produce these fish.

The best producing lure was the Kingfisher Lite from Silver Horde in a variety of colors. Some of our big fish were produced by the Rushin' Salmon Wobbler from Critter Gitter.

We had a great day on Rufus Woods with our friends from Mack's Lures. Although we caught some fish on jigs, good old bait on slip sinker rigs was the big producer. Getting close to the pens really puts you into the concentrations of fish.

The majority of these fish were really nice, 6- to 8-pound rainbows. While these are not trophy sized for Rufus Woods they make a great day and spectacular eating off the grill.

Your fishing tip of the week comes directly from my experience over this past week. Remember, if you are not having success after a reasonable period of time, change something. The only things you can really change are presentation and location. At Omak, it was location changes that made us successful. At Rufus Woods, it was presentation changes.  

Survey about enforcement program on line

Fish and Wildlife is conducting a public survey to help assess the agency's enforcement program.

The survey, is available here.

The survey consists of 20 questions concerning the program's priorities and performance in the field. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, longer if the person wants to make comments.

Those who would like the survey mailed or faxed to them should contact Jonathan Neville, at 360-902-8358.

The information received will help Fish and Wildlife improve their resource protection and business practices and ensure that they are meeting the needs of the public.

WDFW officers enforce all state laws, including those related to the taking of fish, shellfish and wildlife, boating safety, licensing, and habitat requirements. Officers also provide first response to incidents involving potentially dangerous wildlife, including bear and cougar, and other public safety issues.

In addition to enforcement officers, the program includes hunter education managers, dispatch/communications officers and other support staff.