Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Moses Lake Food Bank

| May 27, 2010 9:00 PM

Reader is upset with resignations

I live a 4-1/2 hour drive from Moses Lake and have heard of this resignation of the majority of your food bank workers due to some kind of continuing problem with the board and volunteers, who work so hard there to help people. Why the board would allow this to happen, when your food bank has been very successfully run by the same person for 29 years, is beyond me. “If it ain’t broke — don’t fix it.” Like the other gentleman stated … those involved know exactly what happened, when it began and who is behind it. Someone needs to go over the head of the board of directors — get the feds involved with an investigation and put an end to this nonsense. In the meantime … citizens of Moses Lake should demand that their “Woman of the Year” be re-instated as the direction … especially those of you who have depended on the food bank. These volunteers work their hearts out and are truly concerned about their clients.

The most recent events at the food bank sure makes one wonder why suddenly everybody walks out or resigns. It was obviously a set up deal. Who stands to gain by this? That many workers with decades of experience and dedication will not be easily replaced.

Linda Luxem

Mineral, Wash.