Thursday, March 06, 2025

Grant County Sheriff's Office

| May 27, 2010 9:00 PM

Reader supports deputies and their driving

This morning, on my way to work, I was passed by two Grant County sheriff’s cars, speeding east of Moses Lake on Road 3 NE.

It wasn’t break time, as some letter writers may assume.

And there wasn’t a gas station or coffee shop for miles, as others would accuse.

It was just two gentlemen, rushing to the aid of a Grant County citizen in trouble. And I am grateful.

Every day, these guys put their lives on the line for the safety of me, my family, and all the citizens of this county. Citizens who, by and large, haven’t been very supportive of their efforts.

When was the last time you rushed to the aid of someone you knew would likely not appreciate your effort? When the details of your effort (too much speed, too little speed, no lights, too many lights, etc.) would be arm-chair quarterbacked in the newspaper on Thursday? Brett Favre gets paid enough to put up with that. Our deputies don’t.

I want the deputies to know there are citizens in this county who appreciate their efforts. Who know without a doubt that if it was my family in trouble, you would speed to my rescue. Who understand that you likely haven’t finished an uninterrupted 10-minute coffee break in months, because you constantly get called away.

I know you are working your tails off. I know you are understaffed and overworked. I know you are in a select group of individuals who would risk their lives for others, and put up with so much garbage in the process. And I am grateful.

Heather Messer
