Thursday, March 06, 2025


| March 25, 2010 9:00 PM

Do you feel like you have an IRA account where you make 10% return on your investment, but the maintenance fees are 12%-20%? I went to my first “Tea Party” meeting about a month ago. More of a first investigation into what the “Tea Party of Grant County” is all about. I went with an open mind not trying to change anything, just to see if their ideals were in line with mine. If someone were to ask me, “are you a Republican or a Democrat?” I would say without doubt neither, per-se. At that meeting someone gave me a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Upon reading it I realized how near I felt to those same feelings of tyranny from our “government” I felt, then what feelings our founding fathers must have felt when they wrote it originally.

Take a few minutes and read it and tell me if you don’t feel the same. A quote I read today states “Democracy is not a spectator sport.” This is my first time being involved in anything bigger than local politics, and I do it because the stakes are just too big to just be a spectator.

Come out and support the “Tea Party” on tax day. Get a better return on your investment. Maybe you could leave something for your kids, or your grand kids.

Jerry Lease

Moses Lake