Earlier this year the legislature passed Senate Bill 5340, which made it illegal to order most tobacco products on the internet or by mail-order in order to prevent children from getting these products. This was done because the US Supreme Court said that checking for proof of age was illegal even if the package may contain tobacco. Bill SB5340, however, makes an exception for all cigars larger than a cigarette. This exception is bizarre for several reasons. First, the states’ own data collected by polling 200,000 public school children, clearly shows that cigar smoking among youth is essentially as big a problem as cigarette smoking. Second, if cigars were included in SB5340 the state would gain about $200 million a year in additional taxes; because all cigars purchased by Washington State consumers over the Internet or by mail-order (from out of state) legally escape all state taxes. By including all cigars in SB5340 the state would both better protect children from tobacco and gain $200 million per year in taxes. In addition, local cigars shops would greatly increase sales leading to additional employment opportunities.
Rick Ornstein