Thursday, March 06, 2025

Aliens charged for having a firearm

| March 17, 2010 9:00 PM

EPHRATA — Two men accused of shooting at homes in Quincy are facing charges in Grant County Superior Court.

Jose R. Robles Avalos, 23, Quincy and Reinaldo G. Carrillo, 35, are each charged with alien in a possession of a firearm without an alien firearm license.

Grant County Superior Court Judge John Knodell set bail for the men at $10,000 each.

A resident spotted someone shooting a gun from a Chevy Tahoe on Central Avenue North, according to a Quincy police report. A witness followed the car to a trailer, telling police two men exited the vehicle.

Three men were standing in front of the trailer when police arrived. One of the men went inside the trailer, while police talked with Robles Avalos and Carrillo, according to the police report. When police searched the trailer, they found a .45 caliber pistol.

Carrillo allegedly told police Robles Avalos shot from the passenger’s side of the truck, while Carrillo was driving.

— Staff report