Sunday, January 05, 2025


| March 4, 2010 8:00 PM

Quit hiring state workers and let the 7,800 new hires go back to work for the private sector.

Put all the lottery money back in the schools. Cut school administration costs. Cap their salaries at about $80,000 a year including benefits. If that’s not enough for you, try the real world. Do people who retire from the school district, and then move to another district to work, get retirement pay plus their new salary? That is just wrong!

Privatize liquor stores and rest areas. Legalize marijuana and tax the heck out of it. Private companies can drug test if they choose to.

People on welfare should be drug tested. They should also have to do something for their check in the mail. Volunteer 40 hours a week. I don’t care if its picking up trash. No more food stamps — funnel that money into the local food bank. We certainly don’t look like we are starving! Mothers who receive welfare money have to start a daycare or work at one. Stop the foster parent program and open state of the art orphanages. Everyone learns to cook, clean, garden, we could learn a lot from our Hutterite neighbors. We pay grandmas, who make $600 a month on Social Security to rock the babies. We fix things in the garage and take care of the animals in the back.

Everyone who goes to the doctor or emergency room has to pay a $25 co-pay. If you have a cellphone you have a co-pay!

$950,000, to run a university? $8,000 a month to be a city manager? How much do you need??

Only in government. Like my dad use to say, “How many steaks can you eat in a week?”

Let farmers grow hemp again and get people back to work making shirts, towels, rope, socks etc. We Need some more taxpayers — this is not rocket science.

Do you people just lose your mind when you go to Olympia?

Let the casinos have their slot machines and give us a break on our property taxes. What happened to that? Is the Tea party on this? I would like to know.

Last but not least, any government jobs, bids, stimulus money, green money, all things should be “made in America.”

I do have a lot more ideas, just ask me.

Ann Johnson

Moses Lake