Sunday, January 05, 2025


| March 4, 2010 8:00 PM

On Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010, published in the Columbia Basin Herald in a negative article about one of the most dedicated and wonderful physician that Moses Lake ever had and that is Dr. Irene Kimura.

Dr. Kimura has been my wife’s physician for ten years. Unfortunately my wife has had many health issues and if it weren’t for Dr. Kimura’s skill and diagnosing many of the conditions that my wife had she would not be in the good health she is today.

We have recommended Dr. Kimura too many of our friends and we have also been involved in groups of people that highly praise her caring and sincere efforts toward her patients. Many doctors look at dollar signs. Dr. Kimura eyes radiate sincere love and care for here patients. Unfortunately there is a state organization like the Department of Health, that have people employed that have nothing better to do then to harass and tear down the better and qualified people in our community.

You know I sit here and think how worthless many of the state departments are and this is one of them. The state has cut monies from education and allowing state funded departments like this one to exist. In this incident they are “dead wrong!” about Dr. Kimura. Then again I can only consider the source.

Paul and Karin Kern

Moses Lake