Sunday, January 05, 2025

Supreme court justice seeks re-election

by Jim Johnson<br> State Supreme Court Justice
| July 29, 2010 12:50 PM


OLYMPIA — Elections have consequences. We hear this truthful echo every election season when officials around our state try to explain why this election could be the most important. If you are registered to vote then you have already received your mail-in ballot. Unlike other positions this year, this state Supreme Court seat will be won or lost in the primary on Aug. 17. Often people tell me they pass over judicial candidates on the ballot because they don’t know how to rate a judge. Unfortunately, everyone has felt the frustration when an activist court oversteps its role at the expense of all of our personal freedoms and constitutional rights.

I am Justice Jim Johnson and I have protected your constitutional freedoms as a Justice on the state Supreme Court. Six years ago I made a promise to uphold both the Washington and U.S. Constitutions as written and never legislate from the bench. I have kept my promise, and now ask for your support on August 17th. I am proud of my record on the Supreme Court and my decades of public service prior to being elected. My record speaks for itself: I have heard over 700 cases and written 140 opinions. I have authored more than 80 majorities or concurrences in majority, including absolute protection for freedom of speech, defense of property owners’ rights and opinions that have upheld law and order.

My ancestors travelled to Washington through the Oregon Trail and immigrated from Sweden for the same reasons as most settlers: liberty and land. We have chosen to elect the judicial branch of government because the authors of our state Constitution believed “all political power is inherent in the people” and this election is your chance to speak up for your liberty. I am a vigilant member of the court in matters of free speech. In my private practice before joining the Supreme Court I authored the initiative that allows you to vote in this state without having to pick a party. The U.S. Supreme Court later upheld this law which has become known as the “top two” primary.

In many ways Washington’s Constitution provides more protections than the Federal Constitution. Our state cannot take or damage your land without fair compensation to the land owner. I have authored strong defenses upholding your property rights. The Citizens Alliance for Property Rights rated my work on the Court as “excellent” for protecting individuals. Two other initiatives I authored before being elected were adopted by the voters to cap property taxes and require a two-thirds majority to approve a tax increase. I stand proudly by my record of anti-tax initiatives. These measures have kept people in their homes and working on their family’s land. The Washington State Farm Bureau has endorsed me for putting the peoples’ rights first.

The voters have amended our Constitution to ensure that crime victims were afforded due consideration under the law. I worked on this initiative while working for the state Attorney General more than 20 years ago, and I have consistently affirmed in my opinions as a Justice that the victims ought not be forgotten. As recently as last month I wrote a separate majority concurrence reiterating necessary tools for law enforcement officers to provide the highest level of security while responding in the field. Years of supporting the public’s safety has earned me the endorsements of the Washington Association of Police and Sheriffs, local prosecutors and one of the state’s largest prosecuting attorney associations.

As a member of the high court it is my job to apply the law, and not have my opinion colored by a case’s subject or clients. My commitment to affording everyone equal treatment under the law is endorsed by this state’s top legal minds, including Senator Slade Gorton, Attorney General Rob McKenna, former Chief Justice Gerry Alexander, and Justices Debra Stephens, Charles Johnson and Tom Chambers. The people of Washington have a proud history of making their voices heard and remaining ready to hold their representatives accountable. I have worked hard as freedom’s friend on the court, and with your continued support this August 17th I will ensure that the same freedoms we enjoy today are preserved for your children and your grandchildren.

I live in Olympia with my wife of 41 years, Kathy, and we have two grown daughters. I received degrees from the University of Washington School of Law and Harvard. Prior to then, I was stationed at Fort Lewis as a U.S. Army Lieutenant.