Recycling Program
Reader unhappy with added cost
I would doubt very much that the flyer that came with our water bill (that must have cost a pretty penny) was telling the truth when it stated “overwhelmingly positive feedback” regarding the recycling program. I have not heard, not one, comment in favor.
Number one, who has room for three recycling containers?
How are we going to have a reduction in garbage, we still have the same amount, it is just going to be put into three containers?
I quote, “remember, the more you recycle, the less goes into the garbage stream and into the landfill, the more you save.” How does the city figure that?
We do the work for the city and my garbage bill will be increased by $1.50. I fail to see how I am saving anything!
Guess I don’t see “eye-to-eye” with the city.
I think that when we are charged extra money for these services, we certainly should be allowed to vote on the subject.
Eleanor Sortor
Moses Lake