State to treat lakes with pesticides
State officials are holding a public forum in Ephrata about a plan to use a fish pesticide in several area lakes.
EPHRATA — State officials are holding a public forum in Ephrata about a plan to use a fish pesticide in several area lakes.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) are holding the meeting Wednesday starting at 7 p.m. at the department’s region two office, located at 1550 Alder Street N.W.
The department is proposing to treat several eastern Washington lakes with rotenone, a pesticide used by the department and other fish and wildlife agencies for more than 60 years.
“These proposed treatments are designed to reduce the number of undesirable fish such as carp, tench, and stunted sunfish that compete with game fish and destroy aquatic vegetation,” stated Jim Uehara, WDFW fish biologist.
Along with improving fisheries, Uehara stated the treatment may improve waterfowl habitat by eliminating common carp. The fish and birds compete for common foods, such as aquatic plants and insects.
The treatment plans are scheduled to be finished in late August, with the work taking place in September and October.
The places scheduled for treatment are:
• Beda Lake for sunfish and bass;
• Harris, Sedge, Tern and Dune lakes for sunfish and bass;
• Heart, June, North-North Windmill, North Windmill, Windmill, Canal and Pit lakes for sunfish, yellow perch, bass and carp;
• North Teal, South Teal, Herman, and Lyle lakes for sunfish, yellow perch, bass, and carp;
• Upper Caliche, Lower Caliche and West Caliche lakes and drainage for sunfish, yellow perch and carp;
• Martha Lake for sunfish, yellow perch and bass;
• Cee Cee Ah Creek for brook trout.