Tea Party
Reader unhappy with bigotry accusations
A question: Why is it that organizations like the NAACP get big write-ups whenever they accuse others of bigotry? Something of which they are guilty. But then, again, I guess bashing Anglos is not bigotry.
I am proud to be a believer in what the Tea Party is trying to accomplish — the education of citizens about our U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, our rights as citizens of this country, and opposing increasing taxation without true representation.
I am of Jewish ancestry, have two grandchildren of mixed race — one is half black and half white, the other Native American, Hispanic and white — plus two daughters-in-law that are from a South American country. Now, I ask you, how could I be considered racist?
If those who are leaning toward a socialistic/communistic form of government would take time to study history, they would see that those are the forms of government that are racist and oppressive. After eliminating people like me, they eliminate those within their ranks that they consider threats to their hold on power. The Congressional leaders that marched to their drums, the Jurists that did likewise, etc., they live in fear that hose very people who supported them will wake up and realize how stupid they were to fall for the welfare, feel-good programs that were merely first steps toward the overthrow of America and all it stands for — freedom, individual worth and dignity of mankind; the freedom to stand or fall on our own. No the serfdom and shackles suffered under socialistic/communistic forms of government. Yes, under those, equality may be realized (except for the ruling elite), we will all be poor slaves to the government.
Myrna Flynn
Moses Lake