Thursday, March 06, 2025

Man convicted for third DUI

by Cameron Probert<br> Herald Staff Writer
| July 9, 2010 1:00 PM

A drunk driver was convicted in Grant County District Court after side-swiping an SUV and crashing into a Jersey barrier on the Vantage bridge.

EPHRATA — A drunk driver was convicted in Grant County District Court after side-swiping an SUV and crashing into a Jersey barrier on the Vantage bridge.

A jury found Andrey Vlasov, 26, Tacoma, guilty of driving under the influence, reckless driving and driving while license suspended in the second degree.

This is Vlasov’s third conviction for driving under the influence, according to Prosecutor Angus Lee. He has prior convictions in King and Pierce counties.

Vlasov was driving a Honda Civic eastbound on Interstate 90 in August of 2009, traveling at about 120 mph. When he reached the Vantage bridge’s east end, he lost control, hitting an SUV and striking a Jersey barrier hard enough to move and damage it, according to the prosecutor’s office.

Vlasov initially denied drinking, but later told police he had two beers, according to the prosecutor’s office. He refused to provide a blood sample. 

“This conviction is important because this is the type of repeat impaired driver who goes out and later kills someone,” stated Lee. “We will be asking the judge for a very stiff sentence not only for the DUI, but also the extremely reckless behavior displayed by this defendant.”

Vlasov is expected to be sentenced on August 18. He faces a maximum sentence of a year in jail.