Request For Proposals
Public Utility District #2 of Grant County, Washington is requesting submission of qualifications to provide professional environmental/engineering services as needed to provide necessary field work, sampling, mapping/surveying, and reports necessary to develop Critical Area Reports (CARs) and/or mitigation plans to support permit application packages for associated development projects for the District from the time awarded through December 31, 2013.
Request for Proposals 430-3066
Professional Services for Professional Environmental/Engineering Services related to
Development of Environmental Mitigation Plans and Critical Area Reports
Public Utility District #2 of Grant County, Washington is requesting submission of qualifications to provide professional environmental/engineering services as needed to provide necessary field work, sampling, mapping/surveying, and reports necessary to develop Critical Area Reports (CARs) and/or mitigation plans to support permit application packages for associated development projects for the District from the time awarded through December 31, 2013.
Firms must meet a minimum set of qualifications in order to be considered for evaluation.
These qualifications are:
•Must have at least 10 years experience developing environmental mitigation plans and biological assessments that have been used in permit application packages.
•Must have at least 10 years experience developing critical area reports/assessments that have been used in permit application packages.
•Must have at least 10 years experience delineating wetlands in accordance with federal and Washington State guidelines that have been used in permit application packages
•Must have at least 10 years experience working with federal, state, and local agencies related to developing permit application packages for complex projects involving impacts to wetlands, floodplains, etc.
•Must be a registered engineering firm in the State of Washington or have engineers registered in the state of Washington on staff.
•Must have provided environmental engineering, specifically for environmental mitigation plans involving impacts to wetlands and/or floodplains, services for a minimum of 10 years.
•Must have an established office within a circle centered on Ephrata WA and extending a radial distance of 350 air miles.
•Must agree with the terms and conditions of the draft contract.
All necessary information concerning the instructions for preparing proposals is located on the District's contracting eBid website at , RFP 430-3066. Proposals must be received no later than 2:30 p.m. on July 27, 2010.
By: Rebecca Henricks
Sr. Contract Officer
Pub.: July 1, 2010