Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| February 4, 2010 8:00 PM

Several political leaders have declared that with the loss of the 60 seat Democrat majority in the US Senate that healthcare reform is dead. I certainly hope they are incorrect as there are important changes that still need to be resolved under the heading of healthcare reform. As a reminder here are some starters for reasonable healthcare reform: 1) End disqualification because of pre-existing conditions; 2) End lifetime maximum for coverage; 3) Prohibit the rationing of healthcare due to a person’s age; 4) Fix the waste and fraud in the federal plans of Medicaid, Medicare, VA, and Indian Health programs; 5) Allow interstate selling of medical insurance; 6) Allow people to choose the coverage and deductibles they need (like care insurance); 7) Enact reasonable tort reform and; 7) Mandate uninsured poeple must purchase medical insurance if available from their employer AND if it is at a reasonable cost.

When one strips away all of the progressive or conservative rhetoric there are commonsense solutions to healthcare reform that must be enacted. Please join this registered nurse and republican in urging our President and represenatives in Congress to enact sensible and cost effective healthcare reform.

Michael Cloke, RN, COHN-S, CM

Clarkston, Wash.