Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| August 26, 2010 1:00 PM

Reader addresses challenger

You are a candidate for Grant County Sheriff and I am a voter, I have some concerns that will most likely keep me from casting my vote for you in the election.

You stated you have Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a very dangerous disease to be sure. I am sorry you are suffering from this terrible disease. My sister-in-law succumbed to Leukemia, and it was heart breaking to watch her go through this.

You said you are 100 percent in remission. That is very good, but as I am sure you have been told the disease dictates how long you will stay in remission. It could be a year, a month or any number of days. I am sure you have been warned what an enemy stress is to cancer.

As sheriff, you would be under extreme stress at times. You will be called upon to make snap decisions, perhaps be up for days at a time and all this while fighting a very debilitating illness. I realize you have youth on your side, but cancer plays no favorites.

Asking the people to vote for you, under these circumstances, is like trusting you to drive us to safety on a bus that may not be in good enough shape to make the trip. A sheriff needs to be strong of body and mind, and it does not appear you are using good judgment in entering a race against a man who has proven himself to already possess strength of mind and body, and who is very capable of meeting any challenge that might arise in the line of duty.

Voters, I urge you to think before casting your vote. Can we really rely on a man who is gravely ill to carry out the duties of Grant County Sheriff?

Judi Walkup

Moses lake