Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| August 12, 2010 1:00 PM

Readers grateful for support after house fire

On July 4, 2010 our house was destroyed by fire due to fireworks that started the fire over 1,200 acres away. My husband, Mike, and myself were home at the time but there was nothing we could do but watch our home and belongings burn.

We are writing to thank our friends for helping us pick up the pieces and start over. In the days to come, we received so much help and we want to take this time to thank you all.

Thank you Apple Valley Chapter Red Cross for finding us a place to stay and the monies to help us with food and clothing.

Thank you Wayne and Kathy Conley of Bill's Body Shop and your friends for all you did.

Thank you to our friends as Sportsman's Bar and Grill for helping, and Marge Cassiano.

Thank you Rod and Betsy Steel and family for your help, and for being there for us.

Doug and Lindsy for opening up your home to us. Mike and Linda Workman for everything.

Thank you Shawn Killenger and family.

Thank you Donna Webber for the donation.

Fred Buchart for the nice kitchen items. How did you know?

Thank you neighbors for keeping an eye on our property and picking up our mail.

Thank you everyone for asking if you could help us and thank you Rose Day.

Please forgive us if we did not mention your name but believe us, we will never forget how kind you have been.

Thank you Horizon Credit Union.

Thank you, again, everyone for making an otherwise bad experience a little more tolerable.

Mike and Lorraine Kinkel

Moses Lake