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Fish oil offers a strong defense against cancer, heart disease and more

| August 8, 2010 2:00 PM

Rarely do conventional and alternative medicines agree on much of anything, but when it comes to the healthful benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids found in ocean fish oils, it seems that they finally have a meeting of the minds.

It would appear that many physical ailments such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration and arthritis, as well as mental health conditions including Alzheimer's, depression and schizophrenia are all positively impacted by treatment with this all-natural product. Additionally, pregnant women and their unborn children benefit from taking a daily supplement, and the aging process seems to be slowed when fish oil is integrated into a healthy lifestyle.

"There is evidence from multiple studies supporting intake of recommended amounts of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) in the form of dietary fish or fish oil supplements," reports the Mayo Clinic. Fish oil is not the only substance that contains increased amounts of DHA and EPA, however. Krill oil contains rich sources of EPA and DHA as well, according to

Most recently, a study of more than 35,000 women, done by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, over a six-year period showed that women taking fish oil supplements were 32 percent less apt to contract the most common type of breast cancer, invasive ductal carcinoma. While there seemed to be little or no effect on lubular cancer, the overall results were so encouraging that Harvard University has initiated a comprehensive five-year follow-up study.

When it comes to cardiovascular ailments, fish oil shows even more promise. It appears to decrease the risks of arrhythmia, a condition causing a potentially lethal irregular heart beat. Because the oil makes the blood platelets less sticky, causing slightly thinner blood, risk of stroke is lessened, and blood pressure is reduced. Hardening of the arteries also appears to be slowed. Fish oil lowers the level of the blood fat, tryglceride, and has a positive, healthy affect on levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol.

Currently, there is no known treatment or cure for macular degeneration. However, fish oil supports the blood vessel strength and healthy circulation of the eyes. Future research may prove that these fatty acids offer the best response to this serious problem of age-related blindness. Because the fatty acids EPA and DHA work to keep the ends of chromosomes, telomeres, from deteriorating, fish oil prolongs the life and reproductive quality of the body's DNA. The overall effect is to increase the lifespan of cells and delay the aging process.

Both pregnant women and their unborn children can benefit from a daily regimen of fishy oil. Since 70 percent of a newborn's brain, retina and nervous system is composed of DHA and EPA, fatty acid supplements can support healthy growth. Because the body does not naturally manufacture these compounds, eating oily fish at least twice a week is the best way to gain the healthy benefits. If that is not possible, liquid drinks or capsules are also available.

Mental health conditions also appear to respond to treatment of the Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil. Bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia are helped as mood shifts and swings can be better regulated. EPA and DHA also work to increase the production of LR11, an important protein that prevents the build-up of a toxic plaque in the brain. It may be this plaque that is responsible for the development of Alzheimer's. Curtailing its accumulation through fish oil supplements supports brain health and functionality.

"While the benefits of eating fish at least twice a week cannot be over-stressed, taking supplements must be done with moderation, especially at first", notes Doctors recommend that the average, healthy person start with no more than 300 to 500 mg daily and increase the dosage slowly. It is important to buy only high grade, pure fish oil that is USP-approved. Both EPA and DHA percentages should be listed on label. Since the biggest danger is that the fish oil may be rancid, look for brands that also contain vitamin E, an additive that slows down the degrading process. If any strong fishy smell or bad taste occurs, throw out the entire bottle and don't buy that brand again. Taking rancid fish oil has negative effects on the body.

With the plethora of benefits received from incorporating Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil into one's diet, this may be one of the simplest and most affordable ways to prevent age-related illnesses and ensure mental health. Whether cancer, heart disease, mental well being or age-related conditions are the primary concern, this safe and natural product may offer a pro-active approach to guarding oneself from the effects of unwanted physical ailments and health issues.

Courtesy of ARAcontent