Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tea Party

| April 29, 2010 9:00 PM

Reader dislikes group, upset over policies

Did you know the Obama plan is similar to one touted by Nixon, Dole and Armey and modeled after Mitt Romney’s plan? Those are conservatives. Will you put your college-student children back on your health plans due to the new law? That is a little hypocritical. Do you know middle-class people paid less taxes under Obama? The people funding your little party are rich people, angry that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy are about to expire. If you are a child of a Tea Party member, convince your parents not to continue down this path of fear. Think of another group of people with the same tunnel vision and goals to cause our country and our elected leaders to fail.

Reducing nuclear arms is somehow a bad thing? Ronald Reagan once suggested we reduce down to zero nukes. Oh, I forget, your party is not based on logic or actual adherence to the conservative leaders you praise. It is about fear and labeling, and birth certificate conspiracies.

Conservative senators, who support the tea party, are against repealing the anti-trust exemption the health insurance corporations received. That would leave a free market (very conservative idea) and lower premiums. Others like Mitch McConnell are against reforming Wall Street even though we know the policies of the past (by both parties) caused the recession we are in now. They repealed the Glass-Steagal Act, which kept Wall Street banks from betting on failure and letting insurance corporations act as banks. Senator Shelby was the only Republican to vote “no” along with a couple Democrats.

Why can’t we all just get together to run the money changers (lobbyists) out of the temple? Usury and loan sharking used to be criminal. Aren’t big banks and big corporations as dangerous as big government?

Jon Ruth

Moses Lake